Karate vs. Katalon

Although Katalon supports switching between a no-code and scripting view, the tool is designed more as a UI-driven tool that non-programmers can use. Scripting is in Groovy which is as verbose as Java code.

When it comes to API testing, chaining of API requests, data-driven testing and complex assertions requires the user to plug-in Groovy code and switch between the no-code and scripting / snippet views. This limits the speed and flexibility of teams when it comes to writing an maintaining complex end-user flows and business-logic validations.

Katalon strengths compared to Karate:

  • Includes Test Management aspects as part of their wider offering.
  • Better support for Mobile testing via Appium.
  • Working on AI, for e.g. this ATG (Autonomous Test Generation) but in beta: https://katalon.com/resources-center/blog/katalon-atg-preview - also claims self-healing in UI tests.
  • They do have execution options including Docker, and cloud agents.

Please refer table below for detailed comparison.

Katalon Karate


The IDE is deeply based on Eclipse. The Eclipse Platform is in decline and being overtaken by the VS Code and Intellij ecosystems.

Is not locked into any IDE. Plugin support for both Intellij and VS Code. Even remote development environments are supported.


Supports both No-Code and Code. But the emphasis is on No-Code. Code for API testing happens to be Groovy and is is as verbose as Java.

Low Code.


Requires Groovy skills for complex assertions. There is also a concept of verification snippets, which is very much like code.

Built-in, comprehensive yet readable.


Not Intuitive. Cannot be read on one page.Simulating an end-user flow is possible, but passing data requires using Groovy code.

Designed to support multiple API calls within a single test flow. Tests are reports are readable by business/users.

Power and Re-Use

Data-driven testing/looping is hard and requires working in Groovy and the UI.

Built-in support for data-driven testing and loops. First-class support for common functions, header/auth manipulation and environment switching.

Extending via Code

Supported via custom Groovy code which can re-use Java code.

For advanced use-cases, Karate can call Java code. This allows for testing databases. async systems (e.g. Kafka and Queues) and CLI processes.

Parallel Execution

Supported mostly when running using Katalon's cloud offerings. Not clear if you can got a single aggregated report.

Tests are executed on multiple threads. Typical time savings are 10x or more. A single aggregated report is generated.


  • Users cannot use tags to filter test execution. Tags are only for organizing and searching for tests.

Built-in. Can be used for execution flexibility, dry-run reports, test coverage and linking to test-management and reporting tools.


Emphasizes cloud extensions such as Katalon TestOps and Katalon TestCloud.

Built-in, rendered locally, can be shared as HTML.

Version Control

Since Katalon is a UI driven-tool, tests are saved in a proprietary format and not Git fiendly. Test authoring requires a separate workflow. Developers and testers tend to work in silos.

Karate is local-first and code-driven. Tests are plain-text and version-controlled or change-tracked just like normal code. You see the history of your implementation code and tests together. Team collaboration happens naturally via Git.


Not supported

Karate API mocks can be deployed locally or anywhere within your network. Mocks can be highly dynamic with effort.

UI Testing

Depends on Selenium.

Karate's browser automation supports both Chrome and WebDriver. The WebDriver implementation does not depend on Selenium. Karate better supports hybrid-tests where you can mix API and UI tests in the same script.

Performance Testing

Not Supported.

You can model complex load-models and combine mutiple Karate scripts and user- flows. You can choose to run your tests in the cloud or as part of your CI/CD.